To help you to be as clear as possible in speaking with unbelievers, this is a new series of posts that will explain why some common Christian phrases shouldn't be used in witnessing encounters as they are either unbiblical or are very easily misunderstood by the unbeliever.
The first phrase not to use is: "God/Jesus loves you".
Why not use it:
• Very easily misunderstood: The unbeliever usually thinks: "If God loves me, he must love me in my sin too, so I am going to continue living the way I am living."
• Reaffirms their own viewpoint: "Of course God loves me. I love me too, so why wouldn't God love me?" When the person really needs to see that God is angry with them (Psalm 7:11) for their sin and that is why they need the Saviour.
• Not always true: A phrase like that does not factor in verses like Psalm 5:5 or Romans 9:13 which speak of God having a hatred for certain people.
Instead, it's better said:
• "God has shown His love to humanity by sending Jesus to die for our sins" (after you've explained the bad news first - we have sinned and deserve hell).
Next phrase: